PETROF 直立式鋼琴 N118 M1
帶著愛的音符走過157年的音樂歷程 PETROF公司是歐洲的三角鋼琴和直立式鋼琴製造商。我們在五大洲開展貿易,產品出口到世界各地的60多個國家和地區。自1864年Mr. Antonín Petrof打造出鋼琴以來,在PETROF樂器家族中我們已經生產出近630,000件鋼琴和樂器...
檢視完整細節帶著愛的音符走過157年的音樂歷程 PETROF公司是歐洲的三角鋼琴和直立式鋼琴製造商。我們在五大洲開展貿易,產品出口到世界各地的60多個國家和地區。自1864年Mr. Antonín Petrof打造出鋼琴以來,在PETROF樂器家族中我們已經生產出近630,000件鋼琴和樂器...
檢視完整細節Our ALL NEW super-full-bodied small chamber mouthpiece! The BRAHMA uses the best features of vintage mouthpieces like Berg Larse...
檢視完整細節The DURGA 5 alto has a big, rich and contemporary sound, but due to its unique chamber it also plays amazing ballads. The DURGA 5 does everything t...
檢視完整細節Big BIG body to the sound! A truly versatile mouthpiece that can work in all worlds, whisper or screammmm! Winner of the Editor’s Choice Award from...
檢視完整細節The FIRE is bright and fiery! Power and flexibility that will make you want to turn up the heat!! Winner of the Editor’s Choice Award from Music In...